Does Maintaining Your Resume Makes You Marketable?

Does Maintaining Your Resume Makes You Marketable?

If you’ve been hired and are currently employed in a job you love, your resume has probably fallen by the wayside and been placed in a back drawer (or a long-lost folder on your computer) until the next time you’re up for a promotion or kicking off a new job search. While your resume doesn’t necessarily “go bad” over time,…

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Finding Joy in the Job Hunt

As many of us spend today getting back into a normal schedule after yesterday’s fun 4th of July celebrations, it can be easy to feel frustrated or discouraged as you jump back into your job hunt. However, we’d like to offer a bit of a different perspective this year to encourage you in your search for employment. Independence Day as…

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My Kids Have Graduated…Now What?

May is a month of milestones, with graduations happening for kindergarteners all the way up to college students, and that means many parents are facing new phases of life. Whether it be sending your baby off to their first year of full-day elementary school, or moving your recent college grad into their first apartment and out of your (now empty)…

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Pursuing Career Growth: Moving Up at Work

Career growth is important to most employees, and you probably accepted your current position with the aspirations to be promoted over time. Like others, you enjoy the idea of moving up and receiving more benefits, better pay, etc. that come along with a higher-level job.  However, moving up the ladder isn’t an automatic benefit of most jobs, and it’s something that must…

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Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Giving Your Business (and Staff!) a Boost in 2018

Now that Christmas is behind us, we are all looking at the New Year on the horizon and gearing up for 2018. Preparing for the new year has many people making resolutions about health, finances, personal growth, or even items to check off of their bucket list, but for business owners, ringing in a new year involves other types of…

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Naughty or Nice: Making the Most of Your Job Search

With the holidays coming up quickly, and businesses seeking out new staff to fill vacancies or offer extra help during a busy season, job-hunters are out in droves putting in applications, sitting for interviews, and looking for the perfect fit. Of course, we work alongside applicants throughout the Polk County area as they look to launch their careers, and we’ve…

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PHR Is Proud to Support the Arts Through the Imperial Symphony Orchestra

If you are connected to the music industry in any way, you likely know of the Imperial Symphony Orchestra and their talented musicians. Their performances are renowned for being entertaining and flawlessly put together, and they share the beauty of classical instruments through music of all types across a range of audiences. From performances for children, like their “Peter and…

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To Teach or Not to Teach: Is That Your Question?

Teachers are, undoubtedly, one of the biggest assets in today’s society. They shape and mold our upcoming generations from their very first days of school, until they are ready to head out into the collegiate and career world. At PHR, we especially value teachers since we are on the receiving end of many of their former students as they attempt…

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What to Do When Your New Job Costs $$$

If you are currently unemployed, chances are that finances are a hot topic, especially if you are the sole breadwinner in your household, or you live alone and provide for all of your own needs. Not having a paycheck coming in regularly can be stressful, and it makes you overly aware of how each penny is being spent. While on…

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Back to School, on A Budget

As hard as it is to comprehend, summer break is quickly counting down in Polk County and before long, schools will be back in sessions for our local students. Many of our schools here in Florida, both public and private, have a long list of needs and requirements before starting a new year, including uniforms for students, supplies for the…

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