We Support Local: How PHR Staffing Solutions Is Helping the Lakeland Community Continue to Grow

We Support Local: How PHR Staffing Solutions Is Helping the Lakeland Community Continue to Grow

“Shop local” is a trendy statement we often see in our culture of small businesses and entrepreneurs, and we fully support this message. Shopping local and utilizing local businesses for your needs (retail, services, etc.) not only gives you higher quality work in many circumstances, but also puts money back into your city’s economy, which is great for your own…

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Interview 101: Know Before You Go

When you’re on the hunt for a new job, finding out that you passed the initial round of resume inspections and are heading toward an interview, it’s easy to feel like you’re in the clear. Realty is, you’re not. The interview is where the “rubber meets the road” and employers, HR staff, and anyone else included in the process will…

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Time for Change: Why Age Should Not Be A Factor for Your Career

How often have you heard, “When you have a career you love, work never actually feels like work” and felt discouraged because your job does indeed feel like work and you dread it each day? If you’re like many Americans, it’s probably a pretty regular occurrence. For those who are in their middle or “golden” years though, it can feel…

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