Have A Successful First Day on The Job! Tips And Tricks from Professionals

woman-690036_640So, the day has come.  You have researched, applied for, and interviewed for countless jobs, and you finally found the one. Even if you’re confident in the job you’ve accepted, the first day on any job can bring on feelings of nervousness or uncertainty. We know you want to present yourself as the very best, especially while you’re within the “trial” period for the first 30 days or so in a new position.  So, how can you guarantee that you’re being viewed as an asset, instead of a liability, to your new employer?

To begin with, first impressions are everything, so your first day on the job should really start before you ever leave your house. When you are choosing what to wear on your first day, consider factors such as…

  • Any business dress code that you have been made aware of.
  • The type of work you will be doing.
  • If you went to an in-office interview, what type of attire were other employees wearing?

Dressing for success means being prepared for the environment in which you will be working, while maintaining the visual representation your new boss expects.  This isn’t the time to just throw on whatever is clean.  Put some serious thought into what you put on for your first day, and you’ll be able to head into your new job with confidence.

Punctuality is another key factor in impressing a new boss.  Being late on your first day is a sign to them that you have tendencies to be irresponsible, and potentially lazy (like you couldn’t get up and going on time).  While there are always extenuating circumstances, like getting caught in an unforeseen traffic accident or a family emergency, make every effort to arrive at least 10 minutes early for your first day.  It’s much better to start out with some spare minutes for running to the bathroom, grabbing a cup of coffee, or chatting with your next-door co-worker before getting down to business.  You’ll be much more relaxed and ready to work rather than running in the door 5 minutes late and stressed.

An additional key to success on your first day is networking.  Chatting up coworkers, leadership, etc. in passing while at the “water cooler”, in the hallway, or on your lunch break, is a great way to establish yourself in a new work environment. Establishing relationships with those you work with, and for, on a regular basis means you will be viewed as a valued part of the business and not just the “newbie”.  Just make sure you don’t spend too much socializing, and shirking your duties.

Finally, be excited about your new job!  There’s nothing wrong with being enthusiastic and upbeat on your first day.  This can actually be quite encouraging to an employer, and will stand out to them, especially if some of the other employees tend to have a little less-than-excited demeanor when they come into the office.

If you have already found that perfect job, we hope this post gives you some ideas on having the best first day possible!  If you are still looking, and are ready to find the position that is perfect for you, give us a call.  PHR Staffing Solutions partners with business owners throughout Polk County, and we staff positions of all kinds. Our goal is to find a job that fits with not only your skill set, but also your desires in a career.  Remember, we’re Polk County’s best choice for permanent and temporary staffing services.