Time Off Work and Hitting the Beach? What You Should Know Before You Go

Is anyone else here in Polk County ready for summer vacation?  At PHR Staffing Solutions, we are ready for the season of vacations, cool drinks by the pool, and of course, time at the beach.  However, spending your time by the water on the coast of Florida might come with some risks you aren’t aware of, like creatures that offer a less-than-pleasant greeting upon contact with you.  Many beachgoers automatically assume sharks are the only danger lurking in the waters of our oceans, but there are other troublemakers hiding out there too.

One of the most common of these creatures is the jellyfish.  While they seem harmless, they can actually be quite dangerous. Most of the species don’t cause life-threatening harm to those who aren’t allergic, but some types (in other parts of the world) can deliver a lethal sting, and any type of jellyfish sting could be deadly to someone who has an unknown allergy.

So, what should you do if you encounter a jellyfish during your summer beach trip?

  • Avoid the tentacles at all costs.  The tentacles deliver a sting when they come in direct contact with your skin, so stay at a distance.  If you are wearing a wet suit, you will probably be ok since there is a barrier between your skin and the stingers, but it’s still wise to give a jellyfish plenty of space.
  • Don’t provoke them.  Jellyfish will usually leave you alone if you don’t bother them, and they’ll float on by with no issue.  If you spot a jelly while you’re swimming or surfing, just swim carefully away, or at the very least, tread water and stay still until it passes. Don’t touch dead jellyfish washed up on shore.  They are still capable of delivering a sting, so it’s best to leave them alone.
  • If you are stung by a jellyfish, get out of the water quickly, and wash the entire area with warm saltwater.  Using a flat, hard object (a credit card works great!) scrape over the area gently to remove any remaining stingers, much like what you would do for a bee sting.  Finally, apply antihistamine cream to the area, and cover with a bandage or gauze.  Closely monitor any changes in breathing, any swelling, etc. as they can signal an oncoming allergic reaction and should be taken very seriously. Any of these symptoms mean you need to head to the hospital or call 911 ASAP.

Keep an eye out for jellyfish and other risky ocean dwelling animals when you hit the coast this summer.  We hope you enjoy the well-earned time off from your job and are able to get some relaxation without sunburn or jellyfish stings thrown in to ruin your good time!  Have more time by the beach than you’d like thanks to being unemployed?  Why not give us a call?  We do the hard work of finding the job for you.  All you have to do is apply!  Visit https://www.phrservices.com/jobs/  to see our current openings.