The Break Is Over: Picking Up Your Job Hunt After Spring Break

Here in Polk County, schools are back in session today after a week-long spring break.  While the kids are coming back rested and refreshed, and many parents are glad to be back in a routine, you might be less-than-thrilled to be back to your own personal reality if you are currently unemployed.  Having your kids on break means you probably got a “break” of sorts as well, since it’s hard to participate in job fairs, interviews, or in-person applications with your kids in tow.  So, now that spring break has ended, what’s next?

First, you need to do a “check-in” on any positions you applied for before spring break.  If possible, check their current statuses online to see if there have been any changes while you’ve been out of the loop.  If you see that a position has been filled, you can take that one off your list of possibilities and seek to replace it with another opportunity.  If you noticed that some are still open, it could be a good idea to connect with the HR representative or the employer with an email or a phone call to show your continued interest and check the standing of your resume and application.

Along this same line, make the rounds of all the job search engines you frequent online.  Even if you are gone only a few days, many of these websites are posting jobs daily, and you could have missed valuable opportunities.  Go through recent posts, and if any jobs pique your interest, make note of them so you can fill out the application and get the necessary information in the hands of the HR staff overseeing the hiring process.

Finally, get back out there and shake the bushes here in our own community and throughout the Central Florida area.  Jobs are becoming available daily, but you’ll have no way of knowing about them if you aren’t out doing your research.  Local businesses, such as those here in the Lakeland and Winter Haven area don’t always use online postings to advertise job vacancies, so reading your local newspaper, doing some footwork and visiting these businesses in person, etc. can go a long way in finding the perfect job for you.

Feel like you’ve exhausted all of your efforts and you still can’t find the first step on your career path?  PHR Staffing Solutions is ready to help you.  We take your information, and match you with positions given to us by companies throughout the region, so you don’t have to worry about the footwork or the paperwork involved with applying for multiple job openings.  Give us a call to get started or apply for one of our openings online!