Want to Impress? Watch How You Dress

Want to Impress? Watch How You Dress

Interviews require a lot of preparation. Honing your resume, practicing common interview questions, and checking your references are key in a successful meeting with your potential employer, but they aren’t the only way you should prepare. People say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and when you show up for an interview, the way you are dressed provides…

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Team Player or Flying Solo? How to Handle the Inevitable Question During an Interview

Job interviews are certainly one of the most intimidating parts of adulthood, and few questions get people flustered more than this: “So, do you work better alone, or with a group?” This question carries a heavy load, and can leave applicants’ heads spinning since the wrong answer could completely undermine the rest of the interview. If you say you’re a…

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Post-Interview Tips for Pros

An interview might seem like the finish line if you have been job hunting for a long time, but the period after the interview is just as important if you want to leave the best impression possible on your potential employer and/or HR team. After your interview or job fair, you can take things a few steps farther to ensure…

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