Next Steps: Moving Forward with Your Job Hunt Before, During, and After Spring Break

Next Steps: Moving Forward with Your Job Hunt Before, During, and After Spring Break

Who’s enjoying spring Break!? We are, and with just a few short days left to go here in Polk County, we thought it was important to discuss the importance of taking a break, specifically in the midst of a job hunt or career change. While kids come back from spring break rested and refreshed, many parents don’t get that opportunity….

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Staffing Agency Q&A: We Answer What You Want to Know

When people imagine a staffing agency (both employees and employers) they often have the wrong idea about what we do, or don’t fully understand how we can help them find a job more quickly and more efficiently. We understand it can be intimidating and a bit nerve-wracking to turn your career search, or your search for a new employee in…

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What’s Happening at PHR: New Jobs Open NOW!

PHR Staffing Solutions continually posts information about making yourself more marketable as a potential employee, standing out from the crowd through your resume, passing each tier of the interview process, and more. Why? Because as Polk County’s top choice in staffing and recruiting services, we are looking for applicants just like YOU! PHR is continually seeking qualified individuals for positions…

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Success: How Do You Measure Achievement?

As an employee, success is an important topic. Everyone sets out in life wanting to be “successful”, but that word can carry different meanings that are very personal to the person in question. For example, some consider success to be measured with financial wealth, while others would be labeled successful if he or she made it to the top of…

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Go Team! How Football Season Can Improve Your Networking

Tonight kicks off football season for many local high schools throughout Polk County. If you’re trying to build your career, and/or are currently searching for employment, taking time to head to the local football game might not seem like the most obvious choice of how to spend your time. It can be temping to sit behind your computer for hours…

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