Think Forward: How Ambition Propels Your Career

Think Forward: How Ambition Propels Your Career

Job interviews are notorious for including several “standard” questions, such as inquiries about your education, your preferred work environment (flying solo or team effort), and, the age old, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” When it comes to that last question, many applicants struggle. Whether it’s because they literally haven’t thought that far ahead in their career, or…

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Privacy in the Workplace: Solutions for the Everyday Office

If you reflect back on your days in school, especially during your college years, privacy while working on homework assignments and various projects was probably hard to come by. Dorm rooms usually had roommates and/or friends hanging around, libraries were full of everyone else trying to find their own spot to work, and cafes or coffee shops just don’t offer…

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The ONE Key Secret to Developing, and Keeping, Quality Employees

Employee retention is a major topic of discussion for employers, and it comes with plenty of “secrets” and “tips” that supposedly help you develop, and keep, high quality staff. Truthfully, the term “quality” employee could, in most cases, be interchanged with “loyal” employee, since an employee that is loyal to you and your brand will most likely offer high-quality work…

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Now Hiring: Tips for HR Staff

We often cover tips for job applicants here on our blog, from what to wear to how to create the perfect resume.  However, we also see the other side of the hiring process, and that involves employers and their HR staff.  PHR understands that finding quality and competent employees is hard work, and narrowing down applicants can be overwhelming and…

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