
Want to Impress? Watch How You Dress

Interviews require a lot of preparation. Honing your resume, practicing common interview questions, and checking your references are key in a successful meeting with your potential employer, but they aren’t the only way you should prepare. People say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and when you show up for an interview, the way you are dressed provides…

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Celebrating June with Fruits and Veggies! Eating Healthy on the Job

June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month, and for those that spend a lot of time in the great outdoors with personal farms or gardens, or who have a highly flexible schedule allowing them to eat healthy and do continual shopping and meal prep, it’s easy to celebrate this “holiday.” However, for those who have a rigorous work schedule,…

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How Should Employees Prepare for Hurricane Season?

In just a few short days, the official start of the 2018 hurricane season will be upon us here in Florida, and after last year’s Irma slammed our entire state, people are a little more wary this year as predictions say we could be in for another year of strong storms. Even now we are experiencing much more rain than…

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Ready to Work, Rain or Shine: Employment Opportunities to Meet Your Needs

Central Florida has had no shortage of rain in the past week, and that leaves many people longing for the sun. Perhaps no one is as ready for the clouds to clear out than those who work in an outdoor environment, as they are suffering the consequences from the weather all day, every day, and not just during their morning…

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Beyond Business: When Interview Questions Go Deeper

Receiving news that you are scheduled for an interview after going through the process of searching through lists of openings and filling out endless applications feels like a huge accomplishment…and it is! However, the process of getting ready for an interview requires just as much work as the application, and how you prepare for the questions can be the difference…

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My Kids Have Graduated…Now What?

May is a month of milestones, with graduations happening for kindergarteners all the way up to college students, and that means many parents are facing new phases of life. Whether it be sending your baby off to their first year of full-day elementary school, or moving your recent college grad into their first apartment and out of your (now empty)…

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Join The Club! How Local Involvement Can Help You Get Hired

When you are searching for a new job, or hoping to move up in your career, time is valuable and you want to get hired NOW. That means you need to utilize every available opportunity to make yourself marketable, and that includes more than just past employment and personal references. Any local involvement in clubs or organizations (such as the…

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Think Forward: How Ambition Propels Your Career

Job interviews are notorious for including several “standard” questions, such as inquiries about your education, your preferred work environment (flying solo or team effort), and, the age old, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” When it comes to that last question, many applicants struggle. Whether it’s because they literally haven’t thought that far ahead in their career, or…

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The Proof Is in The Proofreading: What Is Preventing You from Getting Hired?

One of the most important parts of your job search, interview, and hiring process is the writing of your resume. Perfecting your cover letter, references, and resume is key to standing out from the crowd of applicants who all want the same job you do, and could be the leg up you need to get hired. However, it can also…

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Lack of Employee Benefits? Tips to Improvise and Make Your Job Work for YOU

It’s easy to complain about your employer if you feel you don’t receive enough by way of benefits. Whether health/vision/dental insurance packages, or the amount of vacation leave you receive each year, we understand that you might not always agree with your boss about the privileges you feel you’re entitled to at your job. However, we also understand that employers…

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